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Iads Military - On September 23, the US-led coalition launched an aerial bombardment campaign against ISIS targets in Syria. The attacks are the Obama administration's response to the growing threat posed by ISIS and other extremist groups training and operating in Syria.

A video released by the Department of Defense after the initial advance in Syria gave a glimpse into the mindset of AFCENT planners as they selected the necessary assets for the mission. With the exception of the first combat use of the Lockheed-Martin F-22A Raptor, perhaps the most notable were the F-16CJs loaded for SEAD/DEAD with AGM-88 high-velocity anti-radiation missiles (HARMs), GBU-12 500-pound laser-guided bombs, and GBU-38 500-pound JDAM. Don't forget the Lockheed-Martin Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod and HTS pod.

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Why were Wild Weasels needed to hunt down a group like ISIS? Do they have their own Integrated Air Defense System (IADS), complete with SAMs, MANPADS and Triple-A missiles?

Suppression Of Enemy Air Defenses

Block 50/52 F-16CJs loaded into SEAD/DEAD complete mid-air refueling ahead of the initial wave of airstrikes in Syria. Note the two GBU-38 JDAMs and the AGM-88 HARM. (Courtesy of the US Air Force)

. The same Syrian army under the control of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad – who we all know is not the most trustworthy man on the planet.

If we look at all the countries in the Eastern Mediterranean area, the one with the most extensive and best equipped IADS is Syria. There are more than twenty sites that provide an early warning capability to the Syrian Air Defense Command. They paid a lot of attention to their air defenses; approximately two thousand batteries of anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) dot the landscape, in addition to more than twice as many surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) – including the more powerful SA-5 "Gammon" and SA-6 "Gainful" . "

Defeated by the Israelis on various occasions, most notably during the 1982 shootout in Turkey's Bekaa Valley, the Syrians restructured and redeployed an air defense system based on Russian-designed (and supplied) command and control systems, and air defense computer centers coordinate SAM batteries and fighter-interceptors in a classic GCI-based manner.

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As you would expect, the Syrian IADS priority is to the south and west – especially around the capital Damascus, dealing with potential threats originating from Israel or coming from the direction of the Mediterranean Sea. Over the past decade, the Assad regime has seen fit to prepare for an airstrike from the direction of Iraq, given the overwhelming presence of Western air power over that country during Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn.

This overview of the Syrian IADS (circa 2010) describes the locations and effective ranges of the various SAM systems in use, indicated by different colored rings. (Copyright Airpower Australia/Google Earth)

The main concern was the possibility of a trigger finger by the Assad regime, so AFCENT planners decided to mitigate the risk by using a robust SEAD/DEAD contingency and calling on the capabilities of the 5th generation F-22. The initial mission was carried out exclusively with standoff weapons - Tomahawk missiles. Land Attack launched by US Navy destroyers. The next wave was predominantly American aircraft, with the Raptors in the lead for an obvious reason: No one knew exactly how Assad would react when push came to shove and the US followed through on its promise to act against ISIS.

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"While the United States has notified the Syrian regime through our UN ambassador of our intent to act, there has been a lack of coordination and communication among military personnel," said Rear Admiral John Kirby, deputy assistant secretary of defense for security operations. DoD. A spokesman said on September 23 at his first post-strike briefing for members of the media.

Warfighting Functions: Air Defense

Strikers behind the F-22, including Boeing F-15E Strike Eagles, Rockwell B-1B Lancer strategic bombers, Lockheed-Martin F-16Cs and other assets, were undoubtedly under the watchful eye of the Block 50/52 F-16 and their specialized mission Wild Weasel. The video below shows how they extract gas from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker.

The third wave of aircraft included air platforms – Super Hornets as attackers and EA-6B Prowlers (which also carried HARMs to deal with the potential IADS threat) for jamming and suppression. These planes hit targets in the far east of the Syrian border.

Fortunately, the air defense radars were never activated and aircraft participating in the campaign were able to operate with impunity while delivering their precision-guided munitions to ISIS targets.

"I would characterize the acquisition of targets last night, the Syrian radar acquisition, as passive," Lt. Gen. William Mayville, director of operations (J-3) at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in response to questions about the activity. Syrian IADS during the first night of airstrikes.

Ukraine The Situation (june 1)

Thanks to three years of civil war, Syria's air defense structure has been significantly weakened, with Assad pulling ADC units to bolster other forces fighting the rebels. In the process, several SAM sites and Triple-A batteries were compromised and fell into rebel hands. Had the IADS been full and active, we would have witnessed a very, very different approach to the air campaign, and it would likely have taken some time for the SEAD/DEAD mission to flow before the airspace was secure. enough to allow other non-LO assets to continue with their tasks.

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Us Air Force, Army Demonstrate Enhanced Air And Missile Defense Technology

The Praesidus pays homage to the tradition of military watches. With rugged designs and classic vintage styling, discover the heritage of military timepieces today!'While delivering kinetic impact is important, the success of NASAMS in the ADF will be determined by the ability to integrate properly into the RAAF Control and Reporting Centre.'

In preparation for the Australian Defense Force (ADF) receiving the Norwegian Advanced Air Missile System (NASAMS) as part of Land 19 Phase 7B (L19 7B), I recently visited the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) with the Land 16 Australian delegation Aviation Regiment (16 ALR) and Capability and Maintenance Group. The purpose of the visit was to enhance ADF knowledge of NASAMS and develop relationships between ADF and RNoAF personnel. Two significant events shaped my knowledge of NASAMS: the first, a two-day visit to the RNoAF Ground Based Air Defense (GBAD) school and battalion; and secondly, watching their annual live-fire event where they successfully engaged four Banshee unmanned aerial targets.

In this article I will provide an overview of NASAMS and L19 7B. I will then examine how the RNoAF uses NASAMS and compare this to how it might be used in Australia, before looking at possible ways forward for the Australian GBAD community.

NASAMS was commissioned by the RNoAF in the mid-1990s as a replacement for the Norwegian HAWK system. It uses the launch system of the Norwegian company Kongsberg and fires mainly advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAMs) produced by Raytheon. AMRAAMs are primarily used by fighter jets for air-to-air combat.

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NASAMS is currently in service with the armed forces of several countries, including, but not limited to, Norway, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, and the United States. In addition, Indonesia and Oman are currently in the process of acquiring the system.

LAND 19 7B (L197B) is the title of the Australian Air Defense Capability Acquisition Acquisition Project. 16 ALR, as the Air Defense Capability Commander of the Army, is currently equipped with very short range air defense capability through RBS 70 (Robotic System 70 - 8 km range) as an effector, while its radar systems include PSTAR-ER (Portable Surveillance Radar and target detection - extended range - 40 km range), G-AMB (Giraffe Agile Multibeam radar - 120 km range) and LCMR/LSTAR (Light Counter Mortar Radar/Search Radar) and Light Track Acquisition). Command and control (C2) is provided by the various Air and Ground Integration Cells (ALICS) operating in Brigade (Bde) and Division (Div) Headquarters and Air Operations Centers (AOCs) and integrated Ground Liaison Officers with the Royal Australian Air Force forces (RAAF) air force.

The L19 7B is the result of the 2016 Defense White Paper, which stated the need to "develop an integrated air and missile defense capability with an emphasis on integrated command, control, communications, computers and intelligence (C4I) to increase the speed and accuracy of response to air and missile threats'. Other government guidelines

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